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Azusa American Little League

Azusa American Little League

Frequently Asked Questions-Azusa Little League

All of us here at AALL are looking forward to another great season and are so excited you chose to be a part of our league. While playing Little League Baseball is a lot of fun, we realize the Spring 2025 season can be a bit overwhelming. We hope you find the information below to be helpful and that it allows you get a clear picture of our league. This is an overview of all the fun we have here at AALL and what to expect during our typical season. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, please direct your inquiries to [email protected].


Registration & Document Checks: Please complete all steps to our online registration or at in person registration. It is very important we have all completed forms and necessary paperwork. 

Practices:  Your coach will be in touch with you to let you know when and where your team will practice.  It is at your coach’s discretion the day and time of your practice. 

Game Days/Location: Once Board of Directors releases the game schedule the information is releases to 

Uniforms: The league provides each child with a hat, jersey. Other items parents must provide such as pants, belt and socks.  Uniform sizing takes place at registration in person. 

Equipment needed: Each player should have a baseball helmet, a baseball glove and a USA approved bat or one that meets the Tee Ball/Coach Pitch Exception.  Sneakers/athletic shoes can be worn at the Tee Ball/Coach Pitch level, but the kids tend to slip a lot on the dirt and therefore cleats are highly recommended.

Opening Day: Opening Day kicks off with a parade of the players around our main field, a banner competition, Opening Ceremonies and the first pitch.  Opening Day is also our first game day for the season, day and time to be announced.

Snack Bar Duty: We take pride in our amazing Snack Bar ran by our fantastic Snack Bar Coordinator. Snack bar is one of the things our players like most about baseball.  Nothing beats our world-famous treats after a game! Our snack bar is staffed by volunteers, and we need everyone’s help to make it successful.  Each team will be assigned 3 Snack bar shifts throughout the season. Your Team mom for your specific team is responsible for ensuring your volunteers are scheduled and show up to work your team’s snack bar shift.  The shifts are intentionally scheduled during your team’s games. This is done to ensure the volunteers are there and to prevent families from having to make an extra trip. Teams are required to have three people in the snack bar at all times during their shift to make sure there is someone to grill and two people to work the window.  Most teams split the shift in half so 6 volunteers are used to cover the shift.  In order to receive your Snack Bar deposit… YOU MUST COMPLETE hours. Any questions please reach out to your Team Mom. 

Background checks/Volunteer Applications: All managers, assistant coaches, team parents, umpires and any other individuals who plan on assisting with the players (parents helping out at practice, in the dugout etc.…) are required to complete a volunteer application and undergo a background check each season.  You can initiate the process by emailing [email protected] for more information. 

Team Parent Meeting:  Your Team Mom and Manager will have an informational meeting for all team parents in the beginning of the season.  This meeting will go over all responsibilities of the team parent and answer your questions.

Safety & Concussion Training: All managers, coaches & team parents will be required to attend an online concussion training course when they complete their background check. 

Umpire and Scorekeeper Training: Although not required at the Coach Pitch and Tee Ball level, this is a great time to explore scorekeeping or umpiring.  Our league offers training on both and would love to have you join in. If you are interested, please contact Azusa Little League’s President or Player Agents. 

Field Maintenance: Each team is required to have managers upkeep our field after every home game These individuals are responsible for making sure the field is ready for play or practice.  

Picture Day:  Your team will be notified of your picture time.  There will be various photo packages to choose from to meet everyone’s budget. 

Closing Ceremonies: At a later date, Board of Directors will be scheduling the date for Closing Ceremonies thus Our Team Mom Coordinator will be in contact with your Team Mom and your Managers. The Team Moms and Managers will contact you parents with information. 

Copyright @2023 Azusa Little League 

Zacatecas Park

924 W 1st St, Azusa, CA 91702

*Serving our youth since 1956*



Azusa American Little League
924 W 1st St 
Azusa, California 91702

Phone: 626-738-2677
Email: [email protected]

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