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Azusa American Little League

Azusa American Little League

Residency/School Attendance Eligibility

Please visit the League Finder to confirm that your player resides or attends school within the Azusa American Little League boundaries.

Your child must live or attend school within the Azusa American Little League boundaries to register and be eligible for tournament play, including All-Stars. In some cases, a waiver can be requested.

Click here to read more about little league boundaries.

Divisions of Play


Tee Ball is AALL's youngest division and is designed for children league age 4 to 7. In this division, players hit the ball off a batting tee instead of swinging at a pitched ball. The rules of baseball are adjusted in order to accommodate teaching our youngest players the fundamentals. The primary goals of Tee Ball are to teach children hitting, fielding, and teamwork. This is a non-competitive division. No score is kept during the game, and everyone plays every inning. Parental involvement is highly encouraged.


AALL's Rookie division is designed for children league age 6 to 7. In this division, players begin the season swinging at a live ball pitched to them by their coach from a kneeled position. They finish off the season with player-pitch, where they swing at a live ball pitched to them by other players. While this is a developmental division, score is kept during the game. Parent involvement is still strongly encouraged at this level.


AALL's Minor division is designed for children league age 8 to 10. Teams play inter-league games with teams from other leagues within District 19, so some travel within East San Gabriel Valley will be required. Score and standings are kept throughout the season, ending with a playoff tournament to determine the division champions who will then represent AALL in the District Tournament of Champions. Some players will be eligible to play on an AALL All-Star team if selected.


The Major division at AALL is designed for children league age 11-12. All players attend a player evaluation, and teams are formed based on a draft (spring season only). Teams play inter-league games with teams from other leagues within District 19, so some travel within East San Gabriel Valley will be required. Score and standings are kept throughout the season, ending with a playoff tournament to determine the division champions who will then represent AALL in the District Tournament of Champions. Some players will be eligible to play on an AALL All-Star team if selected.

League Age Determination

Reference the 2025 Little League Baseball Age Chart below or use the league calculator to determine league age.

Bat Information

In 2018, the USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented by Little League Baseball. USABat Standard bats must now be used in the Little League Major Baseball Division and below. When buying a bat, look for this logo:

Before you spend a small fortune on a bat, ask for advice or read up here.

Rulebook App

2025 Rulebook


Azusa American Little League
924 W 1st St 
Azusa, California 91702

Phone: 626-738-2677
Email: [email protected]

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